How do I turn on artificial intelligence (AI) features?


Note: You will need to be an Administrator to turn on AI.  If you are not an Administrator, check with your client support manager and they can turn this feature on for you. 

From the interface, click Admin > Manage Access.

Manage Access

The Manage AI Access in the Admin Console will open in a new window.  You'll now see a list of all camera users with their name, username and organization. A checkmark ✔ or no entry sign 🚫 will note if the user has activity or safety analysis.

Select the users you’d like to enable for Activity and/or Safety Analysis by checking the box beside the name and then selecting Enable.Manage AI Access

Note: You can only enable Activity or Safety Analysis one at a time.


Once users have access, they will be able to view the activity and safety section of the interface.

Activity & Safety section

Users can also click on the badges in the interface to view activity and safety analysis.

activity and safety analysis badges

Note: The badges will reflect an increase or decrease in activity or needs review if a safety violation has been detected.