Tip: Mount the solar panel facing true south
- Mount the solar panel: With the provided band clamps, mount the top of the panel first. Ensure it’s set to the preset 45° angle and mount the lower bracket 27" down from the top bracket. Use the bolts to secure the panel.
- Mount the solar cabinet: Remove the nut from the solar hanger mount. Use 3 provided band clamps to secure to the pole. Hang the cabinet on the mount and tighten the nut. Use one additional band clamp to secure the bottom of the cabinet to the pole.
Install the cabinet approximately 5 ft off the ground or as low as possible for safety and accessibility (always install the cabinet off the ground). Zip tie loose cables.
Install the battery: Place the battery inside the mounted cabinet. To avoid a short, connect positive main lead to positive battery terminal first and then negative lead to negative battery terminal.
Turn on the system: Plug the solar cabinet into the panel using the male/female quick connects and ground wire. Then, flip the breakers in the cabinet to the ON position. Zip tie loose cables to the pole to keep them secure.
- Confirm installation: Check that the charge controller in the cabinet is displaying a reading (may vary depending on weather).
Send photos of (1) the complete installation and (2) the charge controller reading to OxBlue Support at support@oxblue.com or text your dedicated client support manager. Use the 5-digit ID number found on the back of the camera as the subject line.